In the wake of the devastating earthquake that struck Kathmandu on April 25, 2015, causing widespread destruction, SEED, despite being a small-sized company, took decisive action to contribute to the relief efforts. The earthquake inflicted severe damage on numerous buildings, including homes, schools, commercial structures, and roads, leaving countless communities in need of assistance. Recognizing the urgency of the situation, SEED collaborated with the EK Project to undertake the construction of temporary schools in the heavily affected Nuwakot region. This collaborative effort aimed to provide a safe and conducive learning environment for students who had been left without access to education due to the earthquake’s impact.
Furthermore, SEED extended its support to Jyotidaya, a school affiliated with Teach For Nepal (TFN), which had also suffered damage in the earthquake. As part of our commitment to rebuilding communities, SEED offered its expertise by providing free design and supervision services to facilitate the school’s restoration. Additionally, in a display of solidarity with one of our staff members whose rural residence in Bhaktapur had been completely demolished, our team collectively designed a sustainable model house. This initiative not only provided a resilient housing solution but also exemplified our organization’s dedication to giving back to society. Despite limited resources, SEED remains steadfast in its mission to make a positive impact on the communities it serves.